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tv   ABC2 News at 5PM  ABC  February 26, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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a couple of heavy waves making their way up the chesapeake. tidal areas and snow in western areas. temperatures safely above freezing, low 40s to 30s. again, it is a large powerful storm system. we'll talk more about this, expecting more rain, some of it will be heavy. >> you can track this storm from the comfort of your couch right there in the palm of your hand. just head to abc2/down load to check out our mobile weather app. we want to get breaking news in downtown baltimore where two people were robbed at gun point inside the medical center. >> let's go to christian schaffer with the latest. >> reporter: in an earlier report, the two people were employees of the medical center. they cop wind up being
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employees. they could wind up being two people visiting the hospital. what we do know is those two people were robbed inside the main building of mercy hospital about 1:00 this afternoon by a suspect had was holding a handgun inside the hospital. now there is security here but it's fairly easy to walk around inside once you enter the main door and go up. police would only say this happened in the main building. about a year ago mercy hospital opened up a new hospital, mary katherine bunting center. that's down that way. all they said was the main building, which they consider to be the one behind me. police are saying two people robbed at gun point inside the hospital. they just held a news conference a short time ago. this is what they had to say about the robbery. >> we believe we have two victims. it's important to note from the scene there were no reported injuries, so we believe they were just robbed. the suspect did have a handgun
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with him that he displayed during the incident. >> reporter: as for what the suspect got away from, he took personal property, didn't steal anything inside the hospital. if you've ever been inside this or other hospital there are a ton of cameras. police are certain to have a photo of the suspect. they plan to release some possibly within the next hour f we get those, we'll bring them to you on abc2 news at 6. investigators are trying to figure out what sickened nearly a dozen people at a hopkins medical building in baltimore. >> rosie? >> reporter: we still don't know exactly what touched off this incident. the fire crews left the scene probably about a half hour ago, still looking for answers. here's what we do know.
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the incident occurred just before 10:00. this is the home of offices for hopkins hospital and hopkins university where they do things like purchasing and administrative duties. the city received a call of one person feeling ill. crews, when they got here, realized there were other people feeling ill. all 17 people were treated by baltimore city ems. they went floor to floor trying to figure out what touched off this rash of sickness. >> all expibting symptoms of -- exhibiting symptoms of trouble breathing. the hazmat crew of the city fire department has been per performing -- performing sweeps, moving people into the parking lot area. >> reporter: at this point firefighters have not determined the cause. they went through the building floor by floor checking devices
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to see if there were carbon monoxide or other noxious fumes. the other possibility is food poisoning. we hope to know more about this at 6. >> we have been tweeting the latest on twitter. follow us at abc2 news as the investigation continue. all new at 5:00 tonight two weeks after police arrest add harford county assistant for having sex with a student it happened again. >> this time this happened inside is the school. jeff hager joins us with more. >> reporter: according to charging don'ts, the sexual relations happened over a four-month period at the assistant's office. the suspect was known as coach ferris working with track and football team lts. in what's called an inclusion
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help per, 24-year-old anthony repair rills, jr. preyed upon a 16-year-old girl. this is the second teacher's assistant to face such charges in two week's time. >> the message really is to the people that might do something like this, you know, it's going to be prosecuted. it's not a defense to say the student went along with it. we don't care if the sthawpped went along with it. you're going to be prosecuted. >> reporter: earlier this months police arrested 35-year-old amanda miller after she allegedly had sex with a 15-year-old boy. ferris faces sex abuse of a minor and perverted practices. if convicted, the charge cost and him behind bars up to 35 years. four city school teachers or staff are assaulted each day in
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our city. >> it started after a video posted to youtube went viral. >> it got us thinking just how often do students attack teachers. >> reporter: jamie, this happens enough. maryland has the highest percentage of teachers reporting they've been physically assaulted by their students. it's one of the statistics. we showed you this to one student bullying, taunting a teacher at digital harbor high school. we were the first to show you this. we did some digging and found it happens a lot more than you may think and ranges from the fairly insieving to life-threatening. jeffrey slat terry was assaulted in twn, severely beaten and just this year returned to the system to teach again.
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>> walked down the hallway. he came up from behind me. once i was on the ground he was basically on top of me and struck me multiple times. i within the unconscious. i don't remember anyafter that. >> reporter: coming up hear more of his story and how it has affected him mentally and physically and what baltimore schools are doing to curb this violent trend. brian kuebler, abc2 news. well, tonight the man accused of breaking into a high school is come he tents to stand trial. >> the hearing was held for justin bow month. earlier this month he was charged with trespassing. he sliped into north county high school and said he came back it face his fears and chase the school sciewmplet officers got a swartz for his home and found
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several weapons including an ak-47. all this weapons were legally registered. 18-year-old tj lane pled guilty to three counts of aggravated murder. lane fired 10 shottings at the chardon high cafeteria. he admitted to the shooting but said he doesn't know why he did it. scary news for parents with children old enough to get behind the wheel a report shows that teen driving deaths are up 20%. the researchers found 19% more, 16 to 17-year-old drivers were killed in crashes during the first six months of 2012 compared to the shame period the year before. some experts say it could be due to at least, in part, to warmer temperatures, people out there hitting the roads. after days of frantic
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searches for a family lost at sea off the coast of california, official bs now say the whole thing may have been a hoax. >> the u.s. coast guard sols spended the search after find nothing trace of a couple, their 4-year-old son and his cousin. the search started sunday after a distress call came in about a sinking kale boat. it has already cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> we have a warning for young women from breast cancer experts. why more women are getting diagnosed with late stage cancer. >> at least three dead from the storm making its way across the country. >> we have the list. here it comes. consumer reports releasing its list of the top 10 cars. find out if yours made the cut.
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no a new study finds more young people are being diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. it's less common in women 25 to 39 but it's occurring more frequently. the increase is small but sifnlgt the young women diagnosed are presenting at a young stage. when young women develop breast cancer they typically have a family history. >> the predisposition to cancer can be passed down from one generation to the next. and those families can be identified because they do develop earlier breast cancers that can be more aggressive. >> now the study is particularly concerning because the lowest survival rates are in women between 0 and 34. women should pay close attention to family history and do self-breast exams. a common mineral could help relieve some of the symptoms of pms sufferers. an iron rich diet can relieve
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symptoms of to 40%. you can eat iron rich foods but you should talk to your doctor. the study also found that a potassium rich diet was related to a higher risk of pms. break a leg, you hear that all the time for dancers. but dance related injuries are actually on the rise. health reporter linda so breaks it down. >> reporter: the hours she spent in the dance studio have paid off. she will soon compete in her eighth world championship. but it has come at a price. >> i had a sprain. i have a crack in my big toe from breaking that and never letting it heal. >> reporter: lindsey is not alone. the first study to look at dance
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related injuries in children and teenagers show the numbers are climbing. they analyzed 17 years worth of information. >> in 2007 alone over 8,000 children and teens were treated. that's about 23 children every day or almost an injury an hour. >> reporter: girls accounted for 6% of all -- 86% accounted for all injuries. >> aches or pains? >> reporter: that doesn't surprise this certified athletic trainer. he helped start one of the clinics designed for children and teenagers. he said the more popular the dance gets, the more injuries. >> so some of the impacts can be magnified. >> reporter: his advice is to
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get plenty of rest, stretch and give your body time to heal. learn proper dance techniques from the start. linda so. >> you can like linda so's facebook page or following linda on twitter. you can search for linda so, abc2 health reporter or at linda from abc2 on twitter. all right. rain coming down now in the inner harbor, kind of an ugly day. we've seen mixed showers, manchester, yeah, a few flakes flying here as that cloud deck lowers. in bel air today, reports of sleet with temperatures safely above freezing. none of that able to stick. here the ice has been sticking where we have freezing rain and slick concerns in garrett county, very ugly weather in the mountains. take you over to maryland's most
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powerful radar. for central maryland it's all rain. a couple of heavy bands. you can see one cluster pushing from cambridge up through the easton area but basically we'll see on and off showers through midnight or so. a lot of the heaviest rain has moved out of maryland. there's heavy rain bands to the south moving out of virginia. the 3d perspective on the large storm. you can see the setup extending west past chicago to wisconsin, unbelievably large system, but, again, for the mid-atlantic states primarily a rain situation and also a windy situation. don't forget to download the weather app. you can look at the radar in real time to see when the rain will end in your neighborhood. temperatures running safely before freezing. as we look at the winds being drawn into the system, pretty
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steady and gusty out of the east. one of the reasons we do have isolated flooding concerns along the chess is a book on the western shore with the steady gusty easterly winds pushing it on to the western shore and, in fact, at the peak high tide that's where there could be some localized flooding, especially in the sensitive areas. big broad brush of precipitation. that will continue through mid-nit or so. once we push past 11:00, we'll see clearing from south to north. tomorrow looks like a relatively cloudy day. temperature also come up a bit. we'll seat threat for some light rain showers. not looking for much. we're not going to see a ton of sunshine tomorrow. there is enough mild air poised so this this should wrap into the system. we think at least low 50s tomorrow, so certainly not a big cold blast coming in behind the storm. at least into the near 50-degree
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range as we push past tomorrow and head toward thursday. a large storm, large power house storm. it has had an impact. in the mid-atlantic it will continue to be a rain maker except for the western edge of the state. tonight 42. heavy rains at times. yes, some isolated flooding. tomorrow cloudy, some showers and breezy. tomorrow night down into the mid-30s with dry conditions coming back. the next few days we'll bring in a chance for a morning shower thursday. thursday afternoon we begin to cool down. cooler and windier. that will be the theme right into the weekend. don't get too used to that 55-degree day tomorrow. it does not hold up. in fact, we don't see it it come back in the outlook. march comes in colder than february ands. how's that? must keep the whacky season going. >> and it has been whacky.
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>> whacky and wild. once again this winter we are escaping without major snow, winds. >> but people in the mid-section of the country not so lucky getting hit with more snow. >> speak of whacky, mike masco is here with some incredible video. >> this is video coming out of the midwest. this is the second storm system that battered the country's mid-section in less then a week. so it's been blamed for at least three deaths and has knocked out power to more than 100,000 people. take a look. >> reporter: it's deja vu for much of the country digging out from the monster snowstorm. the storm is on the move and on the same path today. 21 states are under weather alerts from kansas, east into maine. the storm has already dumped the second biggest snowfall amount in history on amarillo, texas. >> see what it's like so far.
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here we were go. >> reporter: it's in the just the snow creating a mess in texas but the near hurricane force winds in austin. a fire continues to spread out of control killing a women and her twin toddlers in their mobile home which spread to surrounding homes. >> tried to get important pictures, important papers, and i couldn't do that. my house within the up in flames so fast. >> reporter: the storm brought severe flooding to the south and canceling hundreds of flights in wichita, kansas. >> i probably haven't seen it this qie net long time. >> reporter: some of the heavy remains of the last term and they're bracing for yet another winter wallop. >> it's crazy. >> the next city to get blasted is click. they are expected to see blinding snow through tonight. this is part of an e valving
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weather -- evolving weather pattern which you can find on my blog, we know anything can happen when you're live on tv, including a transform per explosion. we'll show you where it was interrupt bid a huge flash. >> find out how she landed her gig.
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heavy snow in missouri caused this roof to cave.
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this was originally a club. locals said this is heavier and wetter than usual. powrms and several -- power lines have fallen. a transformers exploded while a reporter was on the air. a meteorologist was talking about the heavy snowfall when the transformer blew. thousands of outages were reported. here's a way to boost office morale. bring in a cute baby goat. this arrangement wouldn't work at most places. tillly is involve -- enjoying her ride home. the best friend is moose, the dachshund. look. we used to have a goa. look what the goat did. beautiful. that's beautiful. >> all right. coming up at 5:30, multiple cars
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and suvs under investigation by the government. we'll explain the engine issue. all right. the top 10 cars of the year are revealed. find out which group was completely left off the list. >> something else that was revealed, the dancing cast. hear from the dancers our jacoby jones will be going up againsted why he isn't the only contestant with a baltimore tie. >> the rain is coming in heavy and steady. how much will we get? the detailed answer straight ahead.
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we expect to get surveillance photos this evening after a gunman robbed two people at mercy medical building. it happened in the main building around 1:00 this afternoon. they


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